Download Google Play Services Lib Jar

Download Google Play Services Lib Jar Rating: 9,9/10 8887 votes

The Google Play Services library adds about 500 KB of Google+ icons into your app, inside the res/drawable-xhdpi, hdpi, mdpi folders. You can see them in the compiled APK file.Just change the extension to '.zip' then open it in WinZip or Zipeg. dependency Found 2 versions of google-play-services.jar in the dependency list, dependency but not all the versions are identical (check is based on SHA-1 only at this time). dependency All versions of the libraries must be the same at this time.


Java jar lib
  • edited May 2013

    hi again.

    m still working with maps. i got new error. please can you explain me what is this

    WARNING: The runtime version supported by this application is unavailable. Using default runtime: v2.0.50727 GREF GC Threshold: 46800 in loader [email protected] loaded /system/lib/egl/ add_tid_to_cgroup failed to write ' (Invalid argument); background=0 loaded /system/lib/egl/ loaded /system/lib/egl/ loaded /system/lib/egl/ Failed to contact Google servers. Another attempt will be made when connectivity is established. Failed to load map. Error contacting Google servers. This is probably an authentication issue (but could be due to network errors). Bad keycharmap - filesize=32 Error loading keycharmap file '/system/usr/keychars/bravo-keypad.kcm.bin'. hw.keyboards.0.devname='bravo-keypad' Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin


  • Assuming that the issue isn't network connectivity, I would say that you have a typo in your API key, you're using a v1 API key with Maps v2, or that you don't have the Google API Console project properly configured to allow your app to connect.

  • edited May 2013

    I used Maps v2 api key(Google Maps Android Apiv2 Key), and i have recreated Map key but still m getting same result. actually i updated my android mobile(froyo 2.2 to gingerbread 2.3) well is that a cause for this problem.

    or else can i link already existing map application in mobile to my application and display a fixed location.

    for now i linked the Map URL(displaying fixed location) in webview to display map. and its working fine.

    thank you

  • Hey can anyone help here, I'm having a problem getting these commands to run successfully

    android update project -p.
    ant debug

  • Hard to help without details of what is wrong. The first thing I will point out is that these are two separate commands:

  • Here are details of compile error:

    Have been trying to implement google play services using the steps in and and

    There have been some made up from parts recently, and a variety of other cloned examples. Unfortunately, eBay economics mean that the PH5E4 rearsight and 7.62mm magazine are often worth more separately than the complete rifle - hence there are a lot of bare rifles around.Be very wary about buying an Enforcer - make sure someone looks at it who knows what a genuine one looks like. T4s can be had for as little as £170 in UK. Enfield enforcer serial numbers for sale.

    android update project -p 'path to project' -t 4 worked

    ant debug works,
    add Api key

    However on build in Xamarin studio 4.0.3 on Mac get this.using Xamarin android 4.6.any advice appreciated.

    /Users/TheCall/MapView/Components/googleplayservices-9.0/samples/GooglePlayServicesApp/GooglePlayServicesApp/obj/Debug/android/src/mono/com/google/android/gms/appstate/,34): Error: package does not exist