Is Battlefield Multiplayer Split Screen

Is Battlefield Multiplayer Split Screen Rating: 6,7/10 865 votes

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Feb 15, 2017  Not in Battlefield. Bots yeah but split screen no. Couch LAN is pretty much dead too; hell I've tried it and you have to be online for it to work. ONLINE to play LAN/Direct connect. Battlefield isn't about the small 2v2 etc it's about the all out war on a large map with combined arms as a cohesive team.

Mount remote storage as though it is a local disk. Its interface has echoes of regular FTP software, yet it has been updated to make it look just like the OS X Finder. This speed boost applies to the application and to its file transfers.Other benefits include:. Click the Sync button to create an exact copy of a local folder on a remote server. Transmit mac os. Users browse their local files on the left and remote files on the right, and there are attractive icons to make each service stand out in the list.Panic, the develops of Transmit, claim that its code has been tweaked to make it faster.

0 postsMember, Battlefield, Battlefield 1Member
Hello I have a question can you play with two duelshocks on one console. So can you play co op / split screen
Is Battlefield Multiplayer Split Screen


  • 669 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield Hardline, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, Battlefield VMember
  • 587 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield Hardline, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, Battlefield VMember
    Split screen is leaving the gaming community.
    People just need to accept this.
  • 17 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, Battlefield VMember
    Bf star wars has coop and it's fun. So yea a bf game did have it. Split screen is going nowhere, as people still have friends in rl imagine that?
  • 587 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield Hardline, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, Battlefield VMember
    Bf star wars has coop and it's fun. So yea a bf game did have it. Split screen is going nowhere, as people still have friends in rl imagine that?

    With the way video games come up with more ways to take your money, split screen will be gone eventually.
    Why by 1 copy of the game for two people, can you can buy 1 copy each? Why promote split screen for one console when you can buy a console for each person?
    They already offered early game play for $7 per day, and then another $5 for a 10 hour trial.
    Money man. They'll do anything. Phasing out split screen is one of those things.
  • 1 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield, Battlefield 1Member
    Bf star wars has coop and it's fun. So yea a bf game did have it. Split screen is going nowhere, as people still have friends in rl imagine that?

    That is battlefront not battlefield. So the comment still stands no battlefield has ever had splitscreen.
  • 1704 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield, Battlefield 1Member
    Bf star wars has coop and it's fun. So yea a bf game did have it. Split screen is going nowhere, as people still have friends in rl imagine that?

    That is battlefront not battlefield. So the comment still stands no battlefield has ever had splitscreen.
    And hopefully never will. Go play SWBF if you like that offline rubbish.
  • 19 postsMember, Battlefield 4, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, CTEMember
    Looks like people don't have real friends any more. I don't mean the ones you meet online.
  • 2675 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield Hardline, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, CTEMember
    Looks like people don't have real friends any more. I don't mean the ones you meet online.
    If you have real friends, you don't sit in front of a game when you hangout.
  • 55 postsMember, Battlefield, Battlefield 1Member
    Split screen is leaving the gaming community.
    People just need to accept this.

    Why? From a commercial point of view it's obvious of course. But as a player why do I need to 'accept this'? I am sure a lot of people have good memories of split screen gaming on their N64, Playstation etc. It seems to be just a backward step for players and taken for no other reason than profit. It seems strange then to urge people to just accept it.
  • 12848 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield Hardline, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, CTE, Battlefield VMember
  • 1 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield, Battlefield 1Member
    Well splitscreen is absolutely missing in bf1 because splitscreen is crap. Online Coop in the opposite is really awesome and I didn't play BF1 for like.. I dont remember exactly but definitely a half of a year now. So I have no plan if we already got one of these modes buť we absolutely need a Coop with 2 up to 5 Players, like a full Squad or just a Double. Battlefield 3 or 4 had this awesome coop which I totally loved to play. For me, to be honest, on console I am rewlly bad and I switched to console 3 or 4 years ago and I am soooo bad at multiplayer shooters on console but a coop would definitely bring e back to bf1 because I loved it since first beta. And so for the future battlefields EA and DICE, please release them from the beginning and don't make it depending on money, well not only money. I am sure there are more people like me wanting a coop and doesn't like multiplayer shooters but coop ones.
    BTW does anybody know if BF1 story mode has a good 5.1 surround sound set?